Singapore's initial efforts towards combating the smoking problem began In the early 1970s; the government introduced legislation, restricting tobacco advertisement and smoking in certain public places. After many millions of taxpayers' money was spent and relentless efforts by the authority to enforce the non-smoking law, we have achieved to become one of the lowest smoking rates in the world.
Educating the public takes time, money and commitment, etc.
Almost every smoker knows that smoking is bad for their health, but most smokers will only stop smoking when their health has an issue.
One of our most loyal reader and client text us a few days ago; she tries to convince her friends to remove the Chinese New Year decorative (CNY Décor) on or before the 15th day of the lunar calendar, but most of her friends refuse. Claiming that these decorative are still new and it is a waste to discard them.
So why are we so adamant about removing these CNY decorative?
Let us give you some examples:
In Feng Shui Dog and Dragon clash (冲). The cardinal of Dragon is Southeast. Should the CNY decorative has a Dog design, and you place it in the Southeast Cardinal. What may happen is you may attract a lawsuit, quarrel and or accident.
If you pasted a CNY Dog Décor on the Southwest (未山/Goat) or Northeast (丑山/Ox) cardinal of your room, illness might fall on you; accidents may occur or breakup of partnership. (丑未戌三刑/ Ox Goat Dog Three Punishment)
Then again your friend will argue that we are superstitious, our concerns are baseless. May I suggest you let them be, just like smokers, they will only listen when harm and hurt had fallen upon them.
If the government has spent so much and about 13% of our population still smoke, who are we to tell our friends to remove all CNY Décor before or on the 15th day of the lunar calendar and demand them to follow our instruction? After all, we are not their mother.
Quote of the day: Expectation is the mother of all frustration. -Antonio Banderas-