Women unallowed to enter places of worship during their menstruation is a subject that is not likely to be debated openly. Many women also accepted this as a norm and obliged blindly to the myth and not question this folklore.
My view on lady not allowed to enter the place of worship is gender discrimination. If God has an intention for women not to get into the location of religion during her menstruation than god shouldn’t have created lady to have menstruation, period.
There is no mention in the bible or Quran or Buddhist script that forbid women to enter the place of worship during their menstruation. Not allowing women to enter are the act of men, dull-witted men.
If the ruling is that Women cannot enter the place of worship during her period, who is going to pray and manning the temple or convent when nuns have their period? Hence, sisters, let us educate the men in this world about our blood and we start with the people we love the most., our sons and hubby. Let us enlighten them.
Birth is of course violent. Menstruation is violent. Trust me, if men's penises opened up once a month and shot blood, we'd be hearing about the violence of it.
Lidia Yuknavitch
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